What Is AWS Bedrock & How It Works?

Amazon Web Services has become one of the most popular names in cloud computing today. It is known for assisting businesses of all scales in securing, streamlining and growing enterprises digitally to meet their goal and stay a step ahead in this competitive global marketplace with innovative cloud computing services & solutions refining performance, speed and operations of an enterprise.

What is bedrock and how to use it?

Today we shall talk of one such wonder co-created by Amazon...!

Amazon Bedrock!!

Is it a machine learning platform??

It’s much more. Amazon Bedrock is a fully managed service that helps in building and scaling customized Generative AI applications in accordance to your enterprise’s use case. When implementing Amazon Bedrock architecture, you can choose from the different foundation models created by popular Ai startups such as AI21 Labs, Anthropic, Cohere, Meta, and Stability AI. It’s a service where with just one API, you can access a vast set of capabilities to build secure, seamless and power-packed Generative AI applications tailored to your requirement.

It’s highly user-friendly and already managed, still you can customize it according to the organization’s data and processing without infrastructure change. It’s co-created for a wide range of use cases, including text generation, conversational interfaces, creating realistic and artistic images, and personalization.

How it works?

Amazon Bedrock architecture gets you a complete set of tools and services to help build innovative applications without architecture worries. This also provides a seamless & secure hosting environment. The service has in-built auto scaling that dynamically adjusts allocated resources, managing traffic and fluctuations on its own. It also has pre-built algorithms, model training & deployment tools along with a data center.

Amazon Bedrock runs efficiently with other AWS services like Amazon S3 for storage, AWS Lambda for cloud computing, and AWSSagemaker for machine learning development. It is widely used to build versatile AI applications ranging from predictive maintenance to natural language processing.


The potential of Amazon bedrock is still maturing as the service is constantly evolving with time to make your business thrive. Not just this, multi-industry start-ups such as Guardant and AICadium have already started utilizing Amazon Bedrock to build cutting edge GenAi applications for heath tech and IT enterprise governance respectively. Other popular clientele under the umbrella are NASDAQ, KONE, Booking.com, Fox & more.

We did it too!

Recently! We at SNDK Corp, with our intellectual and competitive AWS experts came up with a unique and cutting-edge GenAi application, DocChat!  DocChat is a serverless architecture running with AWS that understands and summarizes PDFs articulately. In a nut-shell DocChat has the capability of quickly searching and generating user-query related information from PDFs, in-turn interacting with them. Try it now! It saves time and will surely get your work done efficiently.